Fri 10 Jan
Passionate Seducing Provider, Im Waiting For You!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem)
SEDUCTIVE EYES, gorgeous body, flirty, passionate and playful!
(Bend, Corvallis, East Oregon, Eugene, Klamath Falls, Medford, Oregon Coast, Portland, Roseburg, Salem, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
In Corvallis & Albany with a SPECIAL Sunday & Monday 9/16 & 9/17 - 39
(Corvallis, Corvallis & Albany.)
Newт♡ρ ♡ƒ тhє ℓιηє💕🐰❄️ EXTREMELY ѕωєєт🍭 Blonde Treat👸❄️💕💕 Nice& JuIcY💦 - 23
(Salem, Salem area incalls and outcalls)
███████►__H O T __ S E X Y __ G O R G E O U S__ L A T I N A __ ◄████████ - 22
(Portland, NE Portland)
After the holidays you need a good explosion like youve never had before! :) - 43
(Portland, SW/Waterfront Area/Ross Island Bridge)
Visiting " SaVannah" SEXXY Tall Voluptuous, Thick & Juicey (Inside - Out ) - 49
(Pittsburgh, South, Pitts)
**SPECIALS** I am feeling the holiday cheer...Find out if I'll be NAUGHTY or NICE..XOXO~ Bree - 29
(Port St Lucie, Treasure Coast)
Sexy Great Company Really Fun Playmate (Avialable) - 21
(Treasure Coast, stuart.psl.jensen.beach.hutsionisland.PC)
🌀🇼🇪🇹🇹 🇪🇷🌀 than 🇭🇪🇷 ⬇ and 🇭🇪🇷⬆BIG BUSTY FREAK 🏆💎 Available ⛅🌙☔❄☎ - 25
(Winston / Salem, Winston Salem, NC)
~~~~~~~~~~~ The 1 & ONLY......Karmen ~~~~~~~~~ - 21
(Winston / Salem, Winston Salem/Kernersville/Greensboro)
AnGiE!! SaTuRdAY..... I am BaCk for just a FeW SHORT DaYs!!!! $pEcIaL!! 10am til 6pm - 32
(Winston / Salem, Thomasville/Lexington/High Point/Winston)
****HOT HORNY 23 yr old BlondE Girl, Waiting for you now**** - 23
(In/Out Calls, Lawrence, Manhattan, Salina, Topeka, Wichita)
Beautiful Companions Needed Immediately For Busy Agency NYC, Long Island, NJ, & Tysons Corner - 51
(All Touring Cities, Long Island, Manhattan, Westchester)
TOTAL PACKAGE new NEW new ☆☆☆☆☆5 Star :¦: Knockout, BIG BOOTY LATINA 80 specials - 22
(Westchester, Elmsford, off MAIN STREET)
°== S_E_X_Y === ° ❤° = E_B_O_N_Y = ° ❤ ° === T_R_E_A_T ==° NEW PICTURES 100% Me - 23
(Westchester, Elmsford Incall)
•:*:• *StUnNiNg •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *sO SExY •:*:• Last Night Hurry 110hh150fh Special - 20
(Medford, Incall &Outcall; all over UpAllNight)
{ { Highly Reviewed, Drama free, Discreet, Classy and Oh so Sexy. Last day left W/ SPECIALS! } } - 25
(IN/OUT Madison and Area)
Sweet Sexy Beautiful Classy Mature Busty and a Booty Single waiting to play with YOU!! Great Rates! - 28
(outcalls All areas!)
~**~ SweeT AnD SuLTrY BrUnEttE BeAuTy WaNTs To PLaY WiTh YoU !! ~**~ SPiNnEr TyPe MoDeL ~**~ - 25
(Incall/ outcall)
BeLLeVue && KiRKLaND!! THiS HoT CLaSSy BaBe iS eaGeR To PLeaSe & aNyTHiNG BuT a TeaSe! - 22
(Seattle, Incall/Outcall, Incall KIRKLAND/BELLEVUE)
💋✨💋 (( Killer Curves)) 💋✨💋(( Pretty E❌OTIC Vi❌❌en )) 💋✨💋 (( Fetishes Welcome ))💋✨💋 - 25
(Salt Lake City)
❤ •———• ❤ ❤ Natural Beauty ☆❤☆ UnRushed Time ❤ True Sweetheart ❤ ❤☆❤ •———• ❤ - 23
(Salt Lake City, SaLt LaKe CiTy)
-:- -:- TREAT URSELF..-:-.. Sexxy.-:-.. Wild ..-:-... N ..-:-... All ..-:-... URS -:- -:- - 21
(Salem, incalls/outcalls)
§TIßL€ ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ♥LaStNiGhT in TOWn DNT WaIt!! - 21
♥ ♥♥ S.e.X.y NaTuRe ♥♥♥ N.a.U.g.H.t.Y ChOiCe ♥♥♥ - 23
(Salem, salem incall and surroundings)
🎀Remy.Redd🎀 80$ Speacials New in Town ask about my two girl speacial - 23
(Salem, Salem.incall only💏💏)
~PDX'S FAVE Brunette Bombshell/ Pin-Up Girl ~ Leggy Ex-fashion model~ *(new pics)*~ - 27
(Portland, Portland, Or)
PETITE BUSTY ASIAN Beauty.. Returning to Portland! :) - 22
(Portland, Portland/ out calls available)
N E W|H A I R S T Y L E|W/PICS! DUOS AVAIL. [[Cautions]] HIGHLY Addictive! - 20
(Portland Incall/Outcall)
🌷🌸🌹CANDANCE 🌷🌸👅YUMMY and new to Portland🎁💥🎊only in town for short stay 🌷🌸🌹SPECIAL - 21
(Pdx Beaverton Gresham OUTCALL, Portland)
❤️💛❤️AbSoLuTeLy🍒 AmAziNg❤️💛💦CoM PLaY WiTh Me 💦❤️#1 MoSt WaNtEd💦🔥💦SwEeT 🍓🔥🍓SE❌ii💋👅Yum💛TODAY SPECIAL!!! - 26
~ ©LI©K H® ~§x¥ BL@©k @nd Ko® @N Pl@¥m@T ~C@LL NoW~$100 SpEciAL - 21
(incall airport area 5136936120)
💋•-:¦:-• [Λvαiℓαbℓε ₸o ₱ℓεαsε †iℓ †hε ΛM] ♛₸hε Uℓ†imα†ε Upscαℓε ₱ℓαγdα†ε... δεxγ& εXo†ic& R€AL 💋 - 20
(Greensboro, W wendover ave)
Taking Azz shots tonight only 😁😁😁 NEW PICS👀👅👄🔥💦Ms..Juicy Lucy In and Outcalls $peacials Call now! - 25